For \mathfrak{A} \subseteq \mathcal{P}(S) let Y_ {\mathfrak{A}} := \bigcap_ {A\in\mathfrak{A}} \widehat{A} \subseteq \beta S (closed)
[in the setup of 3.2, then Y_ \mathfrak{B} = Y_ \mathfrak{D}]
3.3 Theorem & Definition. TFAE:
(a) \exists q \in \beta S: \beta S \cdot q \subseteq Y_ \mathfrak{B} (without loss of generality, q\in K(\beta S))
(b) \forall D \in \mathfrak{D}D thick.
We then call \mathfrak{B} collectionwise thick (cwthick, cwt)
=>: \beta S \cdot q \subseteq Y_ {\mathfrak{B}} = Y_ \mathfrak{D} \subseteq \widehat{D} for any D\in \mathfrak{D}
<=: For e\in [\mathfrak{B}]^{\lt \omega} take q_e \in \beta S, \beta S \cdot q_e \subseteq \widehat{D_ e}
Without loss q\in K(\beta S),
(since q_ e \in \beta S \cdot q_ e \in \widehat{D_ e} holds ✓)
Let X_ e := \{ q_ f : e \subseteq f \in [ \mathfrak{B} ]^{\lt \omega} \} \subseteq \beta S.
Second page
Then X_ e \subseteq \widehat{D_ e}
[since f\supseteq e \Rightarrow q_ f \in \widehat{D_ f} \subseteq \widehat{D_ e}]
\{ X_ e : e \in [\mathfrak{B}]^{\lt \omega} \} has the finite intersection property.
So take q\in \bigcap_ {e \in [ \mathfrak{B} ]^{\lt \omega}} cl_ {\beta S}(X_ e)
Claim: \forall D \in \mathfrak{D}: \beta S \cdot q \subseteq \widehat{D}
D = D_ e, e\in [ \mathfrak{B}]^{\lt \omega} \Rightarrow X_ e \subseteq \widehat{D_ e}, q\in cl(X_ e) \Rightarrow q \in D_ e
\forall S \in S, e \subseteq f, s\cdot q_ f \underset{\beta S \cdot q_ f \subseteq\widehat{D_ f}}{\in} \widehat{D_ f} \subseteq \widehat{D_ e} \Rightarrow s\cdot X_ e \subseteq \widehat{D_ e}
(a) \exists q\in K(\beta S) with \mathfrak{B} \subseteq q
(b) \forall e \in [\mathfrak{B} ]^{\lt \omega} \exists g_ e \in [S]^{\lt \omega} mit \mathfrak{C} = { C_ e: e \in [\mathfrak{B}]^{\lt \omega} } cwthick; where C_ e = \bigcup_ {x \in g_ e x^{-1}} D_ e.
We then call \mathfrak{B} collectionwise piecewise syndetic (cwpws).
We're back to Sabine Koppelberg's talks about basic \beta S results (with four more pages to come). This time, tackling the not-so-basic notions of collectionwise thick/pws sets. These notions are cricital for analysing sets the minimal ideal -- and equally elusive.
I'm not very happy with notation here; it seems to sacrifice accessibility over corrrectness. A sloppier notation might be helpful. In addition, "collectionwise" is a cumbersome prefix. I'd go for "uniformly" or "coherently" as they are often used in the context of filters (and this is what "collectionwise" is all about). But it probably wouldn't help to add yet another terminology.
Funny thing. I actually spent my last few weeks in Michigan thinking about these notions.