2018 in preview
I miss writing here; alot. I technically wrote twice as much here in 2017 than in 2016 (and up to No. 200) but it was still less than once a month; it became hard at some point. I used to be able to blame my work for MathJax because I was (at times) writing a lot for the project; I don't have that particular excuse anymore.

I've never been one for looking back at the end of a year. But since the last year was complex (and this one is set up to be equally so) I thought maybe I should motivate myself by looking ahead to the things I want to write about this year (including things in my actual schedule for 2018).
- wrap up the series "The Problem with MathML as a web standard", my 10,000ft view of MathML's flaws.
- this has taken far too much time already and I've started to hate coming back to it because of all the negativity around MathML (both the spec and the community).
- think about my upcoming workshop on equation rendering in ebooks at Ebookcraft in March (you should totally register!)
- think about the workshop I'm co-organizing at AIM on web accessibility of mathematics in May
- reminisce about my time at MathJax which shaped the past 5 years of my life
- in particular, write about MathJax v3 a bit
- write about the future of equation rendering on the web as I think it could unfold
- maybe wonder a bit about the future of real STEM content
- write up some thoughts and experiments from last year on how the web can (should and probably will) replace LaTeX for most people
- write down some observations from a workshop on authoring accessible STEM content for the web which I did together with Björn Fisseler at FernUni Hagen last year.
- status updates for mathblogging.org and boolesrings.org
- write about AMS MathViewer
Ok, maybe stop here; it's a lot already.